Navigating your Career Route Map courses are now Live!

Would you like to discover the path to your ideal career?
One that gives you the space to use your gifts, the things you love to do and are good at, while also paying you a good wage?
A workplace where your team supports you, and helps out with the things you're not good at, or don't enjoy doing?
In 2021, I ran the first live Navigating your Career Route Map: Designing Courses of Action to Help you Achieve your Definition of Success course with a small group of students.
I intended to get an online version of the course out and available for people to complete at their own pace before the winter of 2021.
Getting the on-demand version of the Navigating your Career Route Map: Designing Courses of Action to help you Achieve your Definition of Success courses published took me a lot longer than I expected. And that's OK, I keep learning new skills along the way!
One of the joys of being my own boss, is that I allow myself the time to do what I want, even if that means changing my self-imposed deadline several times!
The courses are now live, and I'm thrilled to be offering the Navigating your Career Route Map course in a variety of formats.
You can choose to invest in the full course, and receive bonus materials.
Or you can choose to hop in and take whichever module suits your needs as you pursue your ideal career.
Part 1 helps you set the conditions for your success
Part 2 helps you showcase your value proposition (what's init for employers)
Part 3 helps you make changes in your career and expand yourinfluence, bringing more opportunities your way
And because I’m a big believer in equity for all gendersthere is a course called Influencing Change: Gender Equity at Work and inBusiness.
There are even two free courses!
Networking: Identifying and Connecting with Friendly Forces is about 30 minutes long.
Individual Sessions with Chantal gives you an idea of what it’s like to work with me as your Thought Partner.
You can give my learning and thought partner process a test drive by signing up for one of the free courses.
Accessibility is important to me. That's why there is closed captioning on all the videos, transcripts, and a variety of ways to do the completely optional homework assignments.
Click on the Course link in the menu bar to learn more.

Take my FREE networking course
You’re more likely to find your next job from someone you know than by applying to online job platforms. But many job-seekers feel uncomfortable networking. This course teaches the networking skills you need to find your next ideal job.
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