Spring is the season for new beginnings.
New beginnings can range from extreme radical change to tiny adjustments to how you live your life.
Deciding to become more fit, by adding a few extra stretches into your day, is a new beginning worth celebrating. Signing up for an online course, on a topic that interests you, and has absolutely nothing to do with your current role can also be a new beginning. Choosing to do something creative like colouring or doing jigsaw puzzles can be enough of a change to re-energize you. (Thanks to Ashley Lamothe, Creative Kwe for the last two suggestions.)
This spring, consider creating your own new beginning, by doing something you’ve been thinking about, but haven’t gotten around to yet. Trying something new often opens you up to possibilities you weren’t aware of. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, try something new and fun, just for you. “A change is as good as a rest” is an expression I remember from my youth. I interpret this to mean, that much as people are creatures of habit, most of us enjoy some change in our lives, as long as we get to pick what that change will be! Change can be restful.
One of the new things I’ve been trying this spring is microblogging on Instagram. It’s a lot of fun! Unfortunately, microblogging has influenced my writing, to the point where writing longer blogs is somewhat of a challenge. That’s one of the reasons I haven’t been blogging as regularly lately.
Another reason that my blogging has been inconsistent is that I’m collaborating with a bunch of creative and smart experts to bring my very first independent online course to fruition. I’ve set a goal of naming the program by April 20, and launching it before spring 2021 ends.
Coordinating all the moving pieces for a new course takes a fair bit of energy and creative thinking. Next week I’ll be participating in a demo for the Learning Management System I’m leaning towards using. I have some questions about accessibility…
As someone who believes in Inclusion Diversity Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) I am consciously investing in getting outside help to make my course as accessible as I can. Will it be 100% Platinum standard first time out of the box? Probably not, because I’m human and I’m bound to make mistakes. And that’s OK, I’ll be able to learn from my mistakes!
What new beginnings are you looking forward to?

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