In March 2020, after a week of social distancing, and spending a lot more time on social media than I used to, I realized a lot of my comments focused on the future.
I started blogging with a short post called The World After COVID 19. It’s almost two years later, and we’re still learning to adapt to life during a global pandemic.
I am privileged to live in the lands we call Canada. I have clean drinking water, food and income security, a safe home, and pretty decent internet connection. My loved ones are all relatively healthy.
The past two years have highlighted many inequities in the systems we have in place in our communities and workplaces.
There are many people living in Canada who don’t have access to the privileges I have. For example:
- There are communities living without potable (safe to drink) water.
- Food insecurity is rampant amongst those living in Northern, remote, and low-income communities.
- Many people have left the workforce to care for their children and other family members.
It’s February 2022, and I still aspire to help create a new, more inclusive and equitable normal.
- One where everyone is treated with respect, regardless of what they do for work, their level of education, what language they speak, or any other “difference.”
- Where all have an opportunity to earn a living wage, or to receive a guaranteed basic income.
- Where there is significantly less wage discrepancy between celebrities and those who actually make our society possible, people like the front-line workers at grocery stores, farms, and manufacturing plants.
- A world where we realize it makes more sense to use renewable energy sources, than to continue pouring money into the fossil fuel industry.
- A world where we care more about growing food than growing lawns.
- A world where everyone has a safe home, with potable water, electricity and food security.
- A world where all children can thrive.
I choose to help shape a better future by taking positive and constructive actions such as: helping employers learn how to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces, helping people learn how to find their ideal jobs, and by helping people learn how to start or grow their own businesses.
I believe that while many people have opportunities to thrive, Canada can do better. As individuals and organizations, we can consciously choose to:
- Amplify the voices of Black people, First Nations, Inuit, Metis, other people of colour and Disabled people.
- Create Accessible content, with closed captioning and alt text.
- Make hybrid learning environments the norm, allowing people to join in person or online, to help those with mobility challenges, comprised immune systems, or neurodiversity access learning.
- Listen to and learn from those who have been under-represented in workplaces, BIPOC, Disabled, Neurodiverse, LGBGTQ peoples and engage them in creating more inclusive and equitable workplaces.
I hope that everyone who reads this post finds positive methods of contributing to a better new normal for all.
We’re all human. We can’t be perfect; we’ll likely make mistakes as we strive for a better new normal. I also believe that each of us has the power to consciously choose to take actions and influence decision makers to create a better new normal.
I’d love to have you join me on this journey.
What action are you taking to create the future you’d like to live in?
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